
Our mission is to deliver the best physical and mental activities to improve community health in all three essentials: body, mind, spirit by using nature’s energy.


No one left behind. Together we reconnect with nature and enjoy her love to improve all aspects of our lives.

Heaven, Human, and Earth are Three basic elements of the philosophy of life of Vietnamese Ancestors.
Human is a bridge of Heaven and Earth.
Earth is the supporter of the Human physical life.
Heaven is a spacious spirit of human.
Human cannot be whole without the connections of Heaven and Earth

  “Back to Nature” is the translation of Vietnamese words “Hoan Nhien” , a theory of Vietnamese qigong training to achieve a good life in both mental and physical fields. This theory has been handed down from generation to generation in Viet Nam. “Hoan” means return, be back. Attune. “Nhien” means nature. “Hoan Nhien” means “Back to Nature,” attune to the flow of Nature energy; Heaven and Earth. “Back to Nature” is a way of living, for a normal life of each person. “Back to Nature” is a way of training in order to attain a peaceful life of a whole Body and Mind. “Back to Nature” is a way to activate a natural healing source hidden in the human connection to natural energy while training the body and soul, aiming at recovering the living force of body and soul that exhausted by time….  READ MORE